Dr Deng took up the position of Assistant Professor on September 1, 2011 in the Department of Science and Environmental Studies at The Hong Kong Institute of Education following four years of teaching at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Deng has demonstrated high level of competence and effectiveness in teaching and curriculum development in both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Being the program leader of Master of Social Science in Community Education for Environmental Management, Dr Deng has involved in design of the master program as well as integrating aspects of environmental education into it.
Dr Deng has successfully secured both external and internal grants/funding. She has contributed as the Principal Investigator of an external competitive research grant funded by the Early Career Scheme under the Research Grants Council (2012-2013). Regarding research output, Dr Deng has published more than 20 peer-reviewed SCI journal articles which most of them were with high impact factors, such is Environmental International (IF=5.559), Atmospheric Environment (IF=3.281), etc.
Dr Deng has taken up different types of services in the Institute as well as in the profession and Community. Dr Deng has collaborated with other colleagues to work with tender projects. As the PI, her projects titled ‘ Provision of Services for Developing Teaching Resources on Indoor Air Quality for Primary and Secondary Schools’ (2012-2013) has developed a first-ever teaching kit which included Chinese and English videos and teaching materials on indoor air quality for all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, which has a great impact to the community.
Dr Deng’s works have been recognized in her field of Environmental Sciences. She has been invited to be academic advisor for NGOs ‘Ever Green Association’ and ‘Tai Po Environmental Association’, and be the consultant on waste management for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. She has also served as reviewer for several journals, namely, ‘Waste Environment Research’, ‘Journal of Environmental Geochemistry and Health’, ‘Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering’ and ‘Asia-pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching’. |